With the recent evolving cyber security threat, physical security threat and misleading information flying everywhere, our cyber security experts have been doing a good job in educating and training our clients, both individuals and organizations, on ways to detect and prevent unauthorized access to databases that might lead to loss of critical data such as Accounts and Bio-data, sighting the importance of control of personal information and spreading of false information that can cause damage to an organization or a persons’ integrity.
The most vulnerable part of any security infrastructure is the personnel utilizing the infrastructure which is why Bricksman Security conducts training as part of it security services. At Bricksman Security, we believe that every personnel should be resposible for the security of infrastructure, putting into considration its importance in or daily resposibilities.
In the course of the security training, we try to bring to the knowledge of clients the minor errors can that lead to major damages, how to do basic observation before taking certain actions.
The importance of Security awareness cannot be overemphasized as inadequate knowledge of these matters can easily lead to loss of information or even more severe damages which will cost lots of money